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Pau Schilt wins Europe Class Open Week

by Eulalia Roca 5 Aug 2019 13:49 UTC 29 July - 9 August 2019
Pau Schilt - Europe Class Open Week © Laura Carrau

  • Pau Schilt, who was not classified for the World Cup, gets his place for the Europe World Championship thanks to this result
  • In second place, four points from the first position, was Danish Anna Livbjerg and in third place, two points from the second, was Norwegian Lars Johan Brodtkorb.
The Europe Class Open Week, held in waters of the El Balís Yacht Club, ended last Friday.

The 80 participating vessels have contested the seventh of the eight scheduled events that have been decisive in configuring the Open Week podium. This competition allowed the participants to obtain qualifying results for participation in the World Championship to be held, also in El Balís, next 5-9 August.

With a wind between seven and 15 knots, the four days elapsed under exceptional weather conditions that allowed the participants to complete all the tests within the first three days, with a considerable wind.

Pau Schilt has a place for the World Championship

Despite not being classified, Pau Schilt, with the first place achieved in the Europe Open Week, qualifies for the Europe World Championship to be held next week.

Schilt stated "I am very happy to return to sailing after finishing my pharmacy studies and to be back with the people of the sailing world".

In the top ten there are six Spaniards

In the top ten there are six Spaniards, the others being from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Belgium.

The podium is made up of Pau Schilt in first place, Danish Anna Lievbjerg in the second place, the third position being for Norwegian Lars Johan Brodtkorb.

The classification from fourth to tenth place is as follows: Marco Tello from CN El Balís, Alejandro Pareja from RCN Torrevieja, Swedish Alex Burla, Belgian Toon Van Caneghem, Alex Collins from CN Palamós, Ascension Roca from RCN Torrevieja and Rafael Rabassa from CN El Balís.

In the competition took part 80 sailors from 10 countries with a sizeable Spanish fleet represented by 46 sailors, 14 of whom represented CN El Balís. Of the 80 participants, the majority were European, save three who sailed in representation of Colombia and Brazil.

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