Sydney Jeanneau Sail Show at Middle Harbour Yacht Club - Preview
by Performance Boating 15 Apr 2023 20:37 UTC
4-6 August 2023
Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 380 © Performance Boating
Performance Boating will host our own Jeanneau Sail Show at Middle Harbour Yacht Club on August 4th to 6th as we did last year, in conjunction with our Jeanneau Power who will have that range on display nearby at the D'Albora Marina.
The display will coincide with the Darling Harbour Boat Show, so for those visiting Sydney we look forward to seeing you at Middle Harbour.
On display will be the new Sun Odyssey 380, the Sun Odyssey 410, and Sun Fast 3300.
We will also have details on any new model announcements from the International Dealer Meeting held in mid-June.
Jeanneau owners will be invited to drinks and canapés at the yacht club on the Saturday evening.