Interactions with Orcas - Guidelines and Recommendations for yacht safety near Spainish coast
by MITECO 26 Jul 2024 10:29 UTC
Orcas off the Spanish coast may ram the rudder © MITECO
In recent years, interactions between Iberian orcas (Orcinus orca) and vessels have been occurring, in which these 'killer whales' ram the rudder, often damaging it and even breaking it, rendering the vessel unsteerable.
For this reason, and in response to the proposal of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), a workshop was held in February 2024 in Madrid, Spain, involving scientists specialized in orcas and managing authorities from various countries. The workshop resulted in a set of recommendations and guidelines for all sailors to follow in the event of sightings or interactions with orcas in the Atlantic.
These guidelines aim to avoid or minimize risks to the crews, vessels, navigation, and the cetaceans.
These guidelines are applicable year-round, with heightened emphasis from April to August in the designated area of the Gulf of Cádiz and the Strait of Gibraltar, as indicated on the map. In this area, the presence of orcas is highly probable, especially during that time of the year.