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Mediterranean Sea outlook - August update

by Noonsite 6 Sep 2024 10:13 UTC
Mediterranean Sea ©

Weather: While the Caribbean are suffering the effects of hurricane force winds and both sides of the Pacific Ocean too, the warming Mediterranean is producing some explosive weather phenomenon of its own.

Yachts in the Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Spain, were stranded, damaged and in some cases wrecked, following a DANA [DepresiĆ³n Aislada en Niveles Altos], which occurred mid-August. DANA occur when a "pocket" of cold air in the upper atmosphere separates from the main stream and sweeps over a warmer air mass resulting in winds in excess of 100km/hour, heavy rains and flooding.

Just one week later, the luxury superyacht "Bayesian" capsized and sank off the coast of Sicily during a storm on Monday 19 August. One crew member and 6 guests have been found dead out of the 22 people on board. Questions are being asked about why the vessel sank and how the weather conditions might have contributed to the tragedy.

Pests: Not weather, but irritating water pests, another consequence of the warming Mediterranean. The poisonous fireworm - originally from the Caribbean - has now been discovered on Croatian beaches. The Costa Brava coastline of NE Spain is struggling with an influx of jellyfish, a 41% increase on last year. Use the MedusApp (jellyfish are medusas in Spanish), a citizen science phone app, to record sightings and stings

North Cyprus: For many boat owners, but especially those from colder climes, the lure of the Mediterranean is difficult to resist. However, it can be difficult to know where best to base the boat if returning home periodically. UK cruisers Jules Riegal and Chris Stanham found Northern Cyprus worked well for them as a base from which to explore Turkey and the Aegean Sea. Read their report here.

Greece: A new digital system to handle the Transit Log for private foreign-flagged boats has been launched as part of a process aimed at streamlining Greek administrative procedures for maritime operations.

Turkey: Prices continue to rise in Turkey. Starting 1 September, 2024, the value added tax on marina contracts is increasing from 1% to 20%. This will be charged for services like mooring fees, lift and launch fees etc.

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