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A Rice's whale just under the surface of the water in the Gulf of Mexico. This endangered whale was recognized as a separate species from the Bryde's whale in 2021

© NOAA Fisheries under NOAA Permit No. 21938
A Rice's whale just under the surface of the water in the Gulf of Mexico. This endangered whale was recognized as a separate species from the Bryde's whale in 2021 photo copyright NOAA Fisheries under NOAA Permit No. 21938 taken at  and featuring the Environment class
Celebrate Whale Week with NOAA Fisheries: A message from Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator
At NOAA Fisheries, our team of dedicated scientists and managers is responsible for the health and sustainability of more than 30 whale species in U.S and territorial waters.
Hyde Sails 2022 One Design FOOTERNoble Marine 2022 SW - FOOTERJ Composites J/99