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OCC Regional Rear Commodores' report for Great Britain

by Fi & Chris Jones 14 Jun 2019 09:44 UTC
Regional Rear Commodores' report for GB © Ocean Cruising Club

We have recently returned from the very enjoyable Celtic Cruise in Company all be it without our boat now safely tied up in Carrick Fergus Marina as having to be back in time for a family 85th birthday party didn't fit with wind or weather conditions. Such is sailing!

Bill and Laurie Balme did a great job of organising this fun event which was the first 'on the water' joint event with the RWYC since they offered us a reciprocity arrangement. An evening at the club was followed a couple of days later by a sail past and canon salute in front of the club to honour the 92-year-old president of RWYC, Margaret Crozier, accompanied by RWYC Commodore John Judge and long-standing OCC member and 1991 Barton Cup winner Lady Denise Evans.

There was a great meet at the RUYC in Bangor Northern Ireland and nights in many secluded anchorages as well as a great open house event hosted by Sally and Simon Currin.

On 30th June, there will be the presentation at the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club of the well earned Lifetime Cruising Award to Lin Pardey while she is there during her upcoming UK visit.

In August there will be usual fun on offer at the West Country Meet hosted as always by Peter Flutter at the RCYC.

In September, we will be helping man the OCC stand at the Southampton Boat Show: members interested in assisting at the stand, please contact Carol Dutton.

We end our term of office as RRCs in September and are delighted to be able to hand over the honour to Beth and Bone Bushnell at the Southampton Boat Show Dinner on September 18th. This should be a great evening on board the privately owned MV Princess Caroline well known for its fine food and friendly service. Please go to the Events calendar to book for this.

The AZAB party went well, but with fewer competitors there than hoped. Mervyn Wheatley will run a follow-up party in Ponta Delgada, and this is just the right moment to generate applications from the newly qualified. The AZAB race tracker is at

This article has been provided by the courtesy of Ocean Cruising Club.

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