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Hyde Sails 2024 - One Design

S/V Nereida sails around the world - Day 254: Forced to sail SE in light NE wind

by Jeanne Socrates 15 Jun 2019 05:59 UTC
S/V Nereida sails around the world © Jeanne Socrates

Friday 8:30am NZT (Thurs 2030 GMT) - Overcast sky. Wind has died so speed has dropped right down after last night's good wind and speed. Wind still from ENE so course is between N and NNE. Forecast is for wind to veer more S so course change more to NE can be made - -but might not happen until much later today so might have to head S for a time to keep well off coast.

Very little sleep overnight - disturbed by plotter problem. AIS is showing position relative to coast - good to see that when plotter not on. Plotter is presently only staying on for just long enough to see position on chart.... All very frustrating.. especially with weather not playing ball as well...

9:15am - Gybed around to stay well away from NZ coast.. Expecting light NE winds so best to keep well away from a lee shore. Wind must be NNE - making course of 130T.

Getting to my bunk - will make up on missed sleep!

1pm - Decided to heave to for a time. Stopped the boat from sailing SE - now drifting NW at around 1kt. A lot more relaxing and means I can work on wiring/breaker problem without any concerns - with autopilot either in Standby or switched off.

Later: I found that with the Multi-display turned off, plotter stays on - I'm feeling a lot better knowing that plotter is working. Although it means certain info is unavailable, at least I can now see where the boat is, along with our course, track and speed and charts of the area... All good!

I'll have to work on the 'stand alone' idea for Depth, Wind and Speed displays in the cockpit.

Seeing quite a few spots of corrosion behind chart table switch panel - must get out spray and clean it up where possible.

5:20pm - End of a grey, showery day - light fading fast. Very few birds around today, in the light wind.

Making a fresh, thick bean and barley soup and about to make some pancakes. Running out of maple syrup so will soon have to find an alternative - thinking of a bottle of some very fruity raspberry sauce I discovered on board that I got in Hobart's Saturday Farmers' Market a few years ago and have never opened - should be fine.

8:30pm - Lovely and peaceful and calm.... Rocking gently in slight swell with very little wind, still hove-to. Expecting wind to veer to S overnight and then SW by morning, becoming strong, around 25kt, by midday.

Saturday 5am NZT (Fri 1700 GMT) - Lovely deep sleep in calm conditions - still hove-to in light wind, now from SSE. Castle Point 35 miles to NW. Drifting NNW at around 1kt. Will wait for daylight to get under way NE - wind should start increasing slowly. Back to bunk for a touch more sleep.

7am - Still hove-to, now drifting NNE, 34 miles SE of Castle Pt LH. Wind not up by much to make much speed downwind - which we shall be since plan is to head NE. Now have SSE wind, set to veer to SW later in morning... Shall have breakfast and finish preparing soup for later, while running generator & water-maker. Will then get going - slowly, probably, until wind picks up - forecast to do that around midday.

Click here for Wed 12 June ABC S.Australia interview.

While sailing around the world, I'm trying to raise funds to help support the superb life-saving work done by the RNLI (Lifeboats) in Britain each and every day of the year, regardless how bad the weather. In fact, the worse it is, the more likely they are out there, helping someone in distress - whether a swimmer, surfer, small boat or big ship, night or day, summer or winter. They are all volunteers with normal day-jobs who respond immediately to a call and it is a charity - no government funding - so they rely on our help to fund their intensive training and maintain their equipment.

It would be great if you would take a moment to click on the Lifeboats link here, if you'd like to show your support for my efforts at sailing solo, nonstop, unassisted around the globe, trying to set a World Record as the oldest person to do so, by donating something towards the great work the RNLI do every day. If a lot of people put in even a small amount, it all adds up... Thanks a lot! If you can help, it will be very much appreciated. Let's see if we can reach my target!

1900GMT (= 7 a.m. NZT) - end of Day 254. We made 24 DMG, measured in a straight line between the two 1900GMT positions. Drifted around, NW mainly, while hove-to, after sailing SE for a time yesterday.

Total distance covered from Victoria, B.C., to end of Day 254 (by daily DMGs): 20,467 (includes 96 for Day 253 & 24 for Day 254). Distances (at 1900GMT): Castle Pt LH, N.Island, N.Z.: 25 to NW; Wellington, N.Island: 59 to W; Christchurch, N.Z.: 178 to SW; East Cape, N.Z.: 271 to NNE; Chatham Islands, N.Z.: 342 to SE.

Position, as posted to and (using my US callsign KC2IOV):

Time: 2019/06/14 19:00GMT
Latitude: 41-48.13S
Longitude: 176-00.47E
Course: 025T
Speed: 0.7kt
Wind Speed: 12kt
Wind Dir: SSE
Swell Dir: SW
Swell HT: 2.0m
Clouds: 100%
Baro: 1001.5hPa
Trend: 0
Air Temp: 15.0C
Comment: SE of Cook Strait. Still hove to. Drifting. About to start heading NE.

This article has been provided by the courtesy of the S/V Nereida.

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