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Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery announces shipwreck artifact recovery and plans to secure claim

by Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery 18 Dec 2019 21:34 UTC
Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery cannon find © Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery

Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery, Inc., currently trading on the OTC as BLIS, announces that it has successfully recovered artefacts from its initial dives on the previous scanned areas, including what is believed to be the boundaries of a suspected 17th century shipwreck.

Among items identified was a cannon from the period and an anchor, which was recovered, along with other items. The Company used the recently announced purchased data to make the finds on initial dives. The identity of the vessel will be worked on as the area is further searched and targets explored.

"What is significant is that we believe the cannon and anchor, due to their positioning along with other material, are in an area that could contain a colonial period wreck. The discovery was made off the east coast of Florida, outside of state waters, so, therefore, we intend to file an admiralty claim off established coordinates from the surveys we purchased just last month," stated Craig A. Huffman, acting CEO of TSR. "The coordinates and surveys we gained are having immediate dividends and narrowing down areas that can be further searched, artefacts and cargoes gained and, ultimately, claimed, from historic shipwrecks and their cargoes."

The Company intends as its short-term goal to keep working such targets, while it also prepares for a larger expedition with several strategic partners to an area of the Caribbean with known historical valuable shipwrecks, which it hopes to announce in the near future.

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