Introducing the Lyman Morse LM46
by Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding 2 Mar 2020 15:47 UTC
LM46 Performance Cruiser © Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding
Life is complicated. Your boat shouldn't be.
As he approached his 75th birthday, Cabot Lyman wasn't dreaming of a golf course or spending more time on the couch. Instead, he started dreaming of building a new yacht, something that would offer the 10-knot speed of a modern performance yacht with the low-maintenance, unmatched comfortable motion and ambiance of a cold-molded hull. Bringing together wood, the oldest building material known to man, with Lyman-Morse's modern tools such as CNC machines and eliminating excess electronics could result in a yacht that is competitively priced with production boats but is a world apart from the fiberglass cookie-cutter boats that fill marinas and boat shows these days.
"Boats have become too complicated. Our day-to-day lives have become consumed with devices, passwords, and updates, and our boats have tried to keep pace instead of providing an escape," Lyman says. "All that gadgetry just distances us from why we started sailing in the first place: Reconnecting to a simpler way of life. I want to break the cycle of having to travel from boatyard to boatyard to keep a yacht in top condition — an ironic claim for the owner of a service yard to make, I'll admit!"
Partnering with longtime friend and acclaimed Kiwi yacht designer Kevin Dibley, Cabot came up with a simple design brief: To be sailing within 5 minutes of stepping aboard, and to be able to step off within 5 minutes of picking up your mooring. Dibley's design returns sailing to being about sharing time with friends and family, enjoying a drink in the cockpit after an exhilarating day under way, and appreciating the beauty of our surroundings — both inside and outside the boat.