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Energy Observer will conduct a stopover in Singapore from March 10th to 20th 2022

by Energy Observer 19 Feb 2022 04:39 UTC 10-20 March 2022
Energy Observer © Energy Observer Productions - Victorien Erussard

Energy Observer will conduct a stopover in Singapore from March 10th to 20th 2022, the Odyssey's first major stage in Asia of the 6th season of its round-the-world expedition.

The zero-emission laboratory vessel led by its crew of sailors, engineers, journalists, and scientists, will make its 70th stopover at the Marina ONE degrees15 in Sentosa Cove, Singapore, from March 10th to 20th, 2022. Accompanied by a pedagogical exhibition village, this stopover in the heart of the world's second-largest container port will be a unique opportunity to share the Energy Observer's missions in the energy and maritime transition.

Energy Observer in Singapore: a concrete example of French innovation at the service of maritime communities

Last year, France and Singapore signed a cooperation agreement for the future of maritime transport, and the arrival of Energy Observer meets exactly the ambitions of this agreement.

Using components coming from all over the world, this vessel embodies the best that technological cooperation can bring to the energy transition. It is a showcase of French know-how in the integration and design of innovative systems at the service of maritime transport professionals.

For Energy Observer, Singapore represents the heart of the maritime industry. Not only is it an essential transit point, but it is also a symbol of mixed cultures, technologies, innovations, and ambitions. Multiple actors of the maritime world, shipowners, investors, shipyards, and design offices are based in Singapore. Energy Observer is working with LMG Marin from the Sembcorp group to develop a new generation of clean ships.

While many alternative fuel solutions are being tested by the shipping industry, Singapore, which is among the world's first refueling ports, is at the core of the energy transition's colossal stakes.

This step is highly strategic for Energy Observer's Odyssey in Asia to make as many people aware of these issues, including ocean preservation.

The schedule of the stopover will be the opportunity to mobilize key actors of the maritime sector, energy, hydrogen but also sustainable development through visits, conferences, and filming on Singapore's flagship initiatives and projects.

Energy Observer, a unique vessel worldwide*

Having left in 2017 from its homeport Saint-Malo, Energy Observer has been sailing the seas ever since, for a round-the-world Odyssey scheduled until 2024. It has already covered over 48,000 nautical miles (twice the globe!), completed 69 stopovers (from Paris to London, St. Petersburg to the Arctic Circle, Panama to the Galapagos, to San Francisco), including 15 stops with its traveling pedagogical village exhibition, and visited over 30 countries. Developed from a legendary catamaran that received many awards, Energy Observer is a laboratory of the ecological transition designed to debunk the limits of zero-emission technologies. Hydrogen, solar, wind, hydraulic: all solutions are being explored, tested, and optimized to make clean energies a concrete reality accessible to all.

"Energy Observer is an experimental platform for tomorrow's energies. An innovative, revolutionary vessel that sails without harming the planet. Its electric propulsion is powered by renewable energies: sun, wind, marine currents. But what makes it unique is its ability to store its energy in the form of hydrogen produced from seawater, a technology that allows it to sail in total autonomy. Meaning must be given to innovation, for it to respond to the challenges humanity faces today. " - Victorien Erussard, Captain and founder of Energy Observer

An Odyssey to accelerate the energy and ecological transition

Faced with the multiple challenges confronting humanity around the world, the main missions of Energy Observer's expedition are to accelerate the transition through innovation, by demonstrating that the onboard technologies and energy mix operate in extreme conditions and can be replicated on a larger scale ashore and at sea.

As the first French ambassador for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, this world expedition also aims to explore all the solutions for the ecological transition and to raise awareness of this necessary transition among all audiences, from decision-makers to industrials, through a series of inspiring and educational contents (documentary films, web-series, scientific articles, traveling exhibition).

Practical information:

Address docking and village: ONE degrees15 Marina Sentosa Cove, Singapore / Gate 1 & 2

* The boat will be visible but cannot be visited by the general public

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