Yachts may now clear in directly in Tobago
by Jesse James 18 Nov 2022 17:01 UTC

Yachts may now clear in directly in Tobago © Jesse James
Port Officer Jesse James has informed the OCC that Tobago welcomes back direct berthing of yachts after the pandemic pause. No longer do cruisers have to sail to Trinidad first.
The Office of the Chief Secretary (OCS) wishes to advise that effective Thursday, October 27, 2022, yachts can now berth directly in Tobago waters, without first berthing in Trinidad for the necessary approvals and clearance.
Cruisers/yachties coming directly to Tobago, please note that you MUST first berth at ports located at Scarborough or Charlotteville. Upon arrival at either port, the following protocols MUST be followed:
- Firstly, contact the Port Health Unit (visit website or email )
- Secondly, visit the Immigration Division's office at either port
- Thirdly, visit the Customs and Excise Division's office at either port
The OCS advises to visit to obtain information about the hours of operation of the above entities, for incoming yachts. However, please note that a fee will be incurred for services rendered outside of the hours of operation.
The OCS and by extension the Tobago House of Assembly and the tourism sector, welcome all cruisers/yachties back to our beautiful island without logistical inconvenience and wish for smooth operations and an enjoyable Tobago experience.
This article has been provided by the courtesy of Ocean Cruising Club.