Electrical Skills for Cruisers
by Bluewater Cruising Association 30 Dec 2022 19:28 UTC
28 January 2023

Electrical Skills for Cruisers © Bluewater Cruising Association
Kit Griffin
Burrard Civic Marina 1655 Whyte Ave Vancouver
28 Jan 2023 0900h - 1600h
Members $85 / Non-Members $100
Spend a day with electrical engineer, Bjarne Hansen, in an interactive session about all things boat electrical.
Bjarne is a popular instructor who's taught sell-out courses in the past. He has the remarkable ability to both do and teach. Learn about the theory behind electricity, how to safely use electrical equipment, repair techniques, avoid problems, troubleshoot, and how to stay safe when mucking about with electricity.
The course will focus on how to fix common electrical problems with hands-on exercises to reinforce learning and improve your skills. Bjarne is very knowledgeable, approachable, and an easy-to-understand instructor.
Course Information
This course is intended for any cruising member, not just the skipper, who wants to learn more about electricity and electronics in the boating environment. A non-intimidating lecture with lots of examples will be followed by practical exercises to help reinforce the materials and improve skills.
Prerequisites and Materials
An interest in electricity and boats. Some practical exercises will employ basic tools that you can purchase prior to the course, or you may already have; a list of these will be provided before the course. A limited number of loaner tools will be available.
About the Instructor
Bjarne Hansen trained as an electrical engineer and early in his career worked with radar, radio, and other airfield equipment in the RCAF. More recently, he has been designing medical equipment at a local engineering firm. A BCA member since 2003, Bjarne cruised the South Pacific for two years in 2004 - 2006 and spent winters 2015 - 2019 sailing with Barb in Mexico.
For more information and to register - Click here.
This article has been provided by the courtesy of Bluewater Cruising Association.