Docking Theory & Practice
by Brent Alley 31 Mar 2023 18:43 UTC

Reed Point Marina slips © Bluewater Cruising Association
- Esquimalt Recreation Centre, Senior Centre Room
- 15 Apr 2023 1300h - 1700h to 13 May 2023 1300h - 1700h
- Members $85 / Non-Members $110
- Brent Alley, VI Education Watchkeeper
Do you find some docking conditions challenging? Whether you are a single-handed sailor, an inexperienced crew or a confident helmsman, you will grow new skills and turn your boat handling and communication from stress to success.
Learn the theory and interaction of propellers, keels, and rudders and how to manage docking in wind and current. This unique, three-part course for sailors and powerboaters includes classroom theory, practice-on-your-own time, and a follow-up class.
Part 1: Saturday April 15, 1:00pm - 5:00 pm, at Esquimalt Recreation Centre, Senior Centre Room
The first classroom session will review the principles of docking and provide best practices, tips and techniques to get your boat on and off the dock efficiently and safely.
Topics include:
- setting up docking procedures and roles that lead to consistent and effective teamwork and success
- communication systems that work
- effective use of engine power and why confidence is so important to docking
- docking with just one line - the mid-ship line - how to set it up and use it
- fenders - getting the right size and position to assist procedures
- maneuvering and backing down in tight spaces - effective combination of rudder and power
- safety while docking
Participants will complete a worksheet that translates the general information to specific application on their boat. We will then review and discuss the key challenges associated with docking each participant's boat. Based on the worksheet, and discussion, participants will develop a practice plan for their boat. The practice plan will address the key challenges and outline what to practice to build skill and confidence.
Part 2: April 16 - May 12
Practice on your boat - four weeks to apply the worksheet and practice plan from the classroom and hone procedures that work for your boat. Since the weather will hopefully be good during this time, but fewer boats on the water than during the summer, there will likely be good opportunities to practice at places like Sidney Spit as well as your own dock. Rick will be available for consultation during this time.
Part 3: Saturday May 13, 1:00pm - 5:00 pm, at Esquimalt Recreation Centre, Senior Centre Room
The second classroom session will review your practice and what you learned about your boat and yourself, what worked and what didn't, and include a discussion of how to solve outstanding problems.
Rick Ellis, who also delivers BCA's very popular Psychology of Voyaging workshops, lends his years of boating experience and professional facilitation expertise to help you develop your docking skills. Rick's unique approach to this topic, which combines classroom theory with hands-on experience and personal consultation, generated rave reviews from participants when he first "launched" the course in 2015.
For more information and to register - click here.
This article has been provided by the courtesy of Bluewater Cruising Association.