World Ocean Day unites and rallies the world to protect and restore our planet
by Daria Blackwell 4 Jun 2023 12:56 UTC
Celebrate the life in the oceans and take action on the 8th of June. Do it for the biodiversity. Do it for the climate. Do it for the future.
World Ocean Day supports collaborative conservation, working with its global network of youth and organizational leaders in over 150 countries, and providing free and customizable promotional and actionable resources. World Ocean Day is powered by the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council.
To help you mobilize your community and networks to take action for our one shared ocean, go to to find event planning ideas and toolkits, plenty of *NEW* posters and social media graphics, materials for kids, "why 30x30" images, and the World Ocean Day logo. All resources are free to use and adapt to support your event plans.
This article has been provided by the courtesy of the Ocean Cruising Club.