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Copernicus reports that 2023 will be the warmest year on record

by Daria Blackwell 24 Dec 2023 05:21 UTC
Copernicus Global Surface Air Temperature Anomalies © Ocean Cruising Club

The remarkable year continues, with the warmest boreal autumn ever.

The boreal autumn September-November 2023 was the warmest on record globally by a large margin, with an average temperature of 15.30 degreesC, which is 0.88 degreesC above average.

The European average temperature for September-November 2023 was 10.96 degreesC, which is 1.43 degreesC above average. This made the boreal autumn 2023 the second warmest on record, just 0.03 degreesC cooler than autumn 2020.

November 2023 was the warmest November on record globally, with an average surface air temperature of 14.22 degreesC, 0.85 degreesC above the 1991-2020 average for November and 0.32 degreesC above the temperature of the previous warmest November, in 2020.

Copernicus reports that November broke multiple records. November 2023 was about 1.75 degreesC warmer than an estimate of the November average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period. The average sea surface temperature for November 2023 over 60 degreesS-60 degreesN was the highest on record for November at 0.25 degreesC warmer than the second warmest November, in 2015.

For January to November, the calendar year to date, the global mean temperature for 2023 is the highest on record, 1.46 degreesC above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average, and 0.13 degreesC higher than the eleven-month average for 2016, currently the warmest calendar year on record.

This news was reported as the COP28 delegates were negotiating ways of achieving climate stability. In a session on the 9th of December titled Powering Ocean Breakthrough Through Sustainable Ocean Planning, it was recognised that "We can't solve the climate crisis without a healthy ocean". The session was recorded and can be viewed online.

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This article has been provided by the courtesy of the Ocean Cruising Club.
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