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Stoneways Marine 2021 - LEADERBOARD

For the Vaquita

by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 2 Dec 2019 20:15 UTC
Sea Shepherd, in partnership with Mexican authorities, retrieved 16 illegal totoaba gillnets © Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Sea Shepherd, in partnership with Mexican authorities, retrieved 16 illegal totoaba gillnets from the Gulf of California.

This corresponds to over 16,000 ft of illegal fishing gear. Every net removed from the Gulf of California makes these waters safer for the most endangered marine mammal in the world: the vaquita porpoise. With fewer than 20 vaquitas left in existence, Sea Shepherd's Operation Milagro is the last line of defense for a species on the brink of extinction.

Read more on our efforts to save the vaquita on here.

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