New concept for short handed sailing: Aeolos P30
by Aeolos Composites 4 Jan 2021 06:13 UTC
After nine months of intensive development the first boat of the a new yacht brand Aeolos is ready for production. The Aeolos Performance 30 is optimized for single and double hand sailing works in a wide range of offshore conditions up to category A.
Hans Genthe, lifetime sailor with an impressive track of race wins, including Silverrudder 2016/2019, developed the design in Dubai during the lockdown, based on his experiences with his Farr280 in the Silverrudder and Baltic 500 races. The carbon rocket is radically optimized for easy handling and fast recreation at sea. Additional to that, hundreds of hours CFD and rating optimzation went in this boat, experienced experts like Hannes Rentsch and Max Gurgel were involved.
Now the production is starting at Eaton Marine in Dubai. With Mike Eaton Aeolos found a partner who understands to produce a fast racing yacht and brings in a lot of passion, too.
"It's a great project which follows on the track the successful Seaquest range." Mike Eaton is very exited to start. "It's a perfect addition to our range of performance blue water cruising catamarans".
This boat is not only a fast carbon boat, it's also a concept for short handed sailing at low costs. Hans Genthe went through the whole racing process and optimized every step. "Successful sailing is not only about buying a fast boat. It needs a lot more." Hans Genthe has done a lot of sailing campaigns: "Easy transport, launching, good sails, training, recreation during sailing and a lot more keeps cost down and you can focus on what leads toi success: Sailing. With this boat you are increasing your sailing time a lot. And that means you know you know your boat better und you will be faster. It's just as simple as this."
Due to the mast laying device and the tilt slip trailer the boat can be launched by a single person without a crane. The interior is very different from the usual concepts, but it is offering sleeping, eating and further important "personal business" during rough conditions.
But the numbers of the boat are impressive, too: With 9,14m length the boat weights only 1.505t (empty but rigged) and is carrying more than 800kg ballast on a 2,3m long retractable keel. That means a ballast ratio more than 50% (800kg). Compared to that power/potential the ORC measurement is quite fine. First boats are ordered, but further boats can be ordered now and will be delivered in the middle of the year.