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Seven Seas Cruising Association 3rd Annual Bahamas Gathering March 2024

by Seven Seas Cruising Association 12 Apr 2024 16:07 UTC
Seven Seas Cruising Association 3rd Annual Bahamas Gathering © SSCA

We filled the harbor for days of cruiser and community fun! This was a 'come and join us,' no-attendance-fee event.

The goal was to have a gathering with others, both boaters and the local community, forming, we hope, lifelong friendships with the community and visiting yachts. Part of this effort was also to support the Black Point community with helpful projects, not just a tourist event. Lorraine Rolle, of Lorraine's Cafe in Black Point, was the host, both for Black Point and as the SSCA Cruising Station Host. Joni Thomas, SSCA Lead Boat (SV Its Time), organized the event activities, supporting Lorraine with a large number of volunteers, including her husband Norbert Johanssen, Susan Crumpley (SV Happy Now), Lorraine's family members, and the Black Point community. Commodore Neil Davies (SV Midnight Sun), the brainchild of the beginnings of this event in 2022, also supported the first Bahama Rally to Black Point, with boats converging from both the east coast and west coast of Florida, with over sixty boats making the passage to the island. We believe that, with the partnerships formed during the past seasons and this year, this was the largest and most successful ever! Mark Your Calendars for the 4th Annual SSCA Bahamas Gathering, tentatively set for March 13-16, 2025!

From one hundred twenty-five to one hundred fifty-seven cruising boats attended the Black Point, Exumas event hosted by Lorraine's Cafe. The weather was perfect: sunny with winds from the east and a calm anchorage! From book swaps, tee-shirts, local support events, coffees, dinners/BBQs, beach parties, to awards/raffles—this was an event for the record books. The days leading up included karaoke at the cafe (led by Norbert Johanssen) and concerts by SV Electric Mermaid in the evenings. This was the largest gathering ever at Black Point!

Ocean Navigator, thanks to Captain Dave Abrams, brought their 140-foot training vessel to share with attendees. Dave Abrams offered a tour of Ocean Navigator's vessel, Paul Johansen, a 140-ton, 75-foot yacht, previously a Norwegian search and rescue vessel, which is now a training vessel.

For days, from Tuesday, March 12th to March 17th, daily events organized by Lorraine and Lauri of Lorraine's Cafe, along with a multitude of cruisers and local volunteers, supported the community-wide effort. The Black Point Cruisers Net began on March 1st; the VHF nets could be heard from Staniel, Farmers, Pipe, Compass, Little Bay, etc. Many commented that they came to Black Point and the events because of the information on the nets daily.

The five-day-long informal party included a series of events from coffee hours, beach cleanups, beach parties, music/DJs, BBQs, games/sports, Bahama Schooner Races, a "Junkanoo" that everyone could join in with, and a Saturday, March 16th dinner program with food, fun, raffle, and an awards ceremony. Then the Saturday Bahama Schooner Races allowed cruisers to volunteer and be crew on the vessels, flying around the harbor under sail.

One evening, special guests who shared their talents and skills were awarded Certificates of Appreciation, the SSCA President's Award, to acknowledge their contributions to both the event and Black Point, Exumas. As a first, and as part of the SSCA effort to encourage students in fields of excellence, the SSCA President's Youth Award was presented to a student athlete, Le'Ajah McKenzie. Lorraine Rolle and Joni Thomas presented the award to this very deserving young lady, Le'Ajah McKenzie. She is a wonderful sixteen-year-old student and an example of excellence in athletics.


(After sloop racing) "This was the best day of my life!"

"All the years cruising the Bahamas, we always passed by Black Point.. NEVER AGAIN!""More intimate than the Georgetown regatta"

"The people in Black Point are like no other!"

"Fantastic, fun filled, spirit filled Events - my first time at an SSCA event - and certainly not my last. Where do I sign up?"

"We just wandered into the Black Point Anchorage and BOY did we hit the JackPot for the weekend!"

"When is next year's Black Point gathering, we want it on the calendar now!"

"This weekend was 'SPOT ON' on SO many levels"

"The 4 days filled with various music/dancing/singing were spectacular. We saw SO many people on their feet dancing on the deck and dancing in the streets!"

"That's the FIRST time I ever saw a Fire Dancer and I couldn't believe my eyes!"

"I had to pay for a Junkanoo in Nassau and there was a fence blocking us off, yes it was much bigger, yet this Junkanoo was right in front of us and we were able to join in the parade! MUCH more fun!"

On Tuesday, March 12, and for most days, a Ladies Coffee Hour was held at High Tides, and Lorraine served Homemade Banana bread warm from the Oven. It was a great time of sharing boating stories and the lives of cruisers! Tuesday's daytime events included a Beach Clean-up - Many cruisers showed up at the Govt dock to assist with Beach, Land, and Road clean-up. Trash bags and gloves were handed out, and a truck was organized to pick up the trash. A huge thank you was gifted to the Cruisers from the Black Point locals.

Dave Abrams offered a tour of Vessel Paul Johansen, a 140-ton, 75-foot yacht, previously a Norwegian Search/Rescue vessel which is now a training vessel. Special Guest Dave Abrams is the CEO/Publisher of Ocean Navigator and owner/CEO of Maritime Institute, the largest provider of US Coast Guard certified training courses for both military and civilian mariners. Dave is a publisher for Ocean Navigator, Professional Mariner, Pacific Maritime, and Fishermens' News.

On Thursday, March 15, there was "Opening Remarks/Dinner/Dancing on the Deck" with Dr. Josiah and DJ Smitty. Lauri (Lorraine's daughter) set up tents on the outside lawn with overflow tables/chairs. Dr. Josiah and Smitty ran a huge "speak on the lawn" so folks could stay intimately involved with the opening music as folks meandered in. When the Remarks began, Dr. J grabbed the mic, dancing, singing, went down to the overflow tables, and had everyone come closer! Two buffet stations were set up to lessen the lines. Two bars were intended to be set up, yet the inexperienced bartender did not get organized to set up the lawn bar, but no problem, everyone had drinks in hand. Soup, Ribs, Chicken, Fish, Salad, Rice, Pasta Salad, Baked Macaroni Cheese, Rolls, and coconut cake for dessert were served. Once dinner was done, tables were quickly cleared by all, and within 5 minutes, Dr. J and Smitty had the group on their feet dancing! The dancing continued until 11 PM with many happy, lively faces!

Other groups who participated had a chance to say hello to the crowd, from the Corinthians, to the Ocean Cruising Club (OCC), as well as the Young Cruisers Association (YCA)—everyone was welcome to this SSCA event.

Joni Thomas said, "As the dinner was ending, a very good cruiser friend/family put her arm on my shoulder and said, 'Look out into the anchorage, it's all lit up with 125+ boats. YOU, Joni and Norbert are the Pied Pipers, you made this happen!' This literally brought me to tears!"

Friday continued with an Island Walk, followed by Lorraine's Breakfast, followed by many volunteers assisting Lauri, Malachi, Rolf, and Lorraine's Husband in setting up the Stage, Tents, Bar, and BBQ grill station, Tables for T-shirts, and more. Then it was time for Beach Games - and many locals participated in beach volleyball, egg toss, and more. One cruiser had a paddleboard, which the youngsters adored—he kindly left it to add to the beach toys!

The evening continued with the High Tides Boaters Party; Introduction of the (3) Sloop Captains. There was such a large turnout of interested cruisers to crew the boats for the next day's Bahama Schooner Races that they had to draw names out of a hat. The (3) Boat Captains rallied their teams! They decided to do three races so as many cruisers as possible could take part. Boats: Patton Pride, Legal Weapon, and Raging Bull. The Sloop Captains were enthusiastic, filled with spirit rallying their teams and 'goading' one another for competition. The spirit, karma, passion, and excitement permeated to ALL cruisers attending! The Bahamian Sloop Captains also brought young Bahamian youth 'in sloop racing training'. And then Electric Mermaid sang/played the Guitar for an evening ending in song.

Saturday's Sloop Racing last year was a record-setting event a week after the past several days' happenings. This year as a special courtesy, Lorraine Rolle graciously organized the (3) boats and Captains to come to Black Point DURING the weekend events! This was an Ad Hoc Sloop racing event specially for the Black Point Cruisers during the SSCA events. This is a first-time ever and is a warm-up for the yearly sloop racing with many more boats in a few weeks. This was a huge win for this weekend.

The Masts were being assembled on the Sloop boats, and the excitement was building. Lorraine's Deck and Scorpions Deck were packed with bystanders. By 11 AM, the races began with each race making 2.5 turns around the anchorage. Much shouting and cheering could be heard as folks were rooting for their teams.

More beach play days continued with Beach Games with Egg Tossing and Volleyball with groups of local children. It was a fun community time for all visitors and youngsters.

The Saturday Dinner event started out with Dr. Josiah recognizing his engagement "She said YES!" This was followed by recognizing the Outstanding Youth Le'Ajah Mackenzie who was given the SSCA presidential award for outstanding athletics.

To cover the costs incurred by Lorraine's Cafe, a special donation/raffle was held with items donated by companies recognizing the special event! Both the community and the cruisers participated. For some locals, the surprise of actually winning brought tears to their eyes, said attendees. Items included:

Raffle Prizes:

(1) 7 night stay at Ocean World Marina in Cofresi Puerto Plata Dominican Republic
(1) 7 night stay at Puerto Blanco Marina Luperon Dominican Republic
(1) 1 Yr Professional subscription to Predict Wind
(2) (1) Yr Memberships to Seven Seas Cruising Association
(1) Waterway Guide Title of your choice
(3) 1 yr Aqua Map Bahamas and Aqua Map Master subscriptions
(2) loaves of Coconut Bread
(2) bottles of Rum from Black Point Dillys Liquor Store
(2) bottles of Rum and a Case of Beer from Staniel Cay Liquor Store
(2) One way Titan Air tickets (from Nassau to Staniel/Black Point OR Black Point/Staniel Nassau)
(5) Excursion Day trips on the Exuma Tourist Boats (Nassau, Alan Cay, Norman, Pigs Beach, Iguana Preserve, etc, Black Point Lunch buffet and return up the Exumas to Nassau)
(1) Dinner for 2 at Emerald Sunset View Restaurant
(1) Breakfast for 2 at High Tides Café

All the Island Donations that were collected were presented to Lorraine to help offset her costs. Lorraine's Cafe donated all the events, the transportation, and more to make this party successful.

Then there was a hair "Plaiting Contest" with four local ladies in a contest of 30 minutes of 'weaving' with the Cruisers cheering on. DJ Smitty spoke throughout about how this craft got started, how it has come down through the ages, with many women still supporting their families. This was fascinating with cruisers gathered around; Dr. J kept the event lively and even had a countdown till the end! Then three cruisers were picked (again, those who helped out the most), and they were the judges of the finished products! A few cruiser ladies asked if next year the local ladies would 'teach' the cruisers for a fee.

Then the festival/party evening continued with a "FIRE DANCER." Newly engaged, Dr. J, had everyone line the street for the "Very Talented Fire Dancer." All were in complete awe of her performance. And then the Black Point "JUNKANOO" Parade started in the streets. A Junkanoo includes sparkling Native Bahamians dress and many instruments (tubas, Tambourines, etc.) playing as the parade went down the street. The cruisers were encouraged to join in on the parade, dance, and have their pictures taken! And that the Cruisers did!!

The event continued with the LIVE Tempo Band who had cruisers and locals literally dancing in the streets!! The lead vocalist many times took his Microphone out on the street joining in the dancing as he sang!

Sunday's special music events, one with musicians and singers, finished out the several days long program. Sunday the harbor had an early afternoon concert, the music of a "Dinghy Concert off the stern of SV Electric Mermaid" where she also performed a boat renaming ceremony. She played for over twenty-five dinghies for two hours. Everyone reported how great/intimate and enjoyable this was.

Later in the afternoon, Lauri gave away complementary Rum Punch for St. Patrick's Day Buffet Happy Hour appreciating the Cruisers! Where in the Bahamas has this been done?! Sunday's Buffet included Chicken Tenders, Ribs, Fish Tenders, Pork Slices, Baked Macaroni, Potato Salad, Corned Beef Hash, Cabbage, Rice, fresh fruit, and Cake.

And finally, as the final event, there was a "Live Concert by Josiah," with several musicians and singers brought in from Andros. The church was packed with cruisers and locals. Tambourines and other instruments were handed out. Once again, the singing and dancing were memorable moments like no other! Very inspiring. Peermon (Lorraine's Mother- who is the Pastor of the Church) spoke at length of her gratitude for the cruisers coming. She said, "There's usually one to five boats in the harbor and maybe she makes two loaves of coconut bread, now she's baking full time!" She mentioned that the event was like Peter in the Bible casting out the net and before long he had multitudes of fish! She said Joni Thomas and Norbert Johanssen came to Black Point a few years ago, didn't know anyone on the Island yet they returned and threw out a net and all my years at Black Point I've never seen so many boats and cruisers at Black Point! She called it a miracle that she'll never be able to truly express her gratitude!

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