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Pantaenius 2022 - SAIL & POWER 1 LEADERBOARD ROW

The Changing Face(s) of Cruising - newsletter


The Changing Face(s) of Cruising

GJW Direct - Yacht 2019 - Leaderboard

Ocean Safety 2021 - LEADERBOARD

Brochure shot. - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Dear Recipient Name

For quite some time now, we have looked very closely at the changing faces of the boats we take cruising. I suppose we could go back and find the root article, but it is going to be more than a few years, and that monkeypox thing got in the way, too. So let's just leave it as "over five years", and be done with it.

Indeed our very last editorial, The Eco Warrior was all about everything from hybrid drive to hydrogeneration, and the amazing array of different gear now found on board. Funnily enough, our last boat review, the brilliant Excess 11as featured in The feline of sailing cats takes on things like raked sticks, deck sweeper rags, and centre of effort.

The famous Exumas. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
The famous Exumas - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Here's the thing, however. Alas in that time, it is not just the boats that have been a changing. Go to shows to observe, talk to builders and dealers whenever you can, and you also become aware of the changing demographic too. Yes, the very faces looking at boats, buying boats and being on said boats are as different now as the appearance and sail plans of the very vessels in question.

MPU E6 question mark static   Sea Sure 2021 - Blakes Toilets - MPU

Not all work... - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Not all work... - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Many seem to have found the adage, "If only the young could, and if only the old knew!" So when a conversation eschewed with our friend Erin Carey, who is indeed a liveaboard herself with her family, well the dots were pretty easily to find and join together.

Nowhere near six degrees of separation, probably more like two, and we had some real world material from Tim Geisler, who is the owner and lead instructor of Nautilus Sailing, an international sailing school that is helping usher new clients into sailing, and then help them embark on their sailing journeys.

Tim Heisler from Nautilus Sailing. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Tim Geisler from Nautilus Sailing - photo © Nautilus Sailing

It seemed very apt to me to feature first hand and real world intel on the subject, rather than the miscellaneous ramblings of one Captain Araldite, as they are often the first point of contact for aspiring sailors.

Highlighting what we have opened with, Geisler commented, "In the last 5-10 years, sailing has evolved tremendously: from high-performance foiling boats in America's Cup races, to a new breed and demographic of cruisers wandering the oceans of the world in floating apartments."

MPU brokerage   Hyde Sails 2017 March 300x250

Weather eye - indeed. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Weather eye - indeed - photo © Nautilus Sailing

"The global pandemic in many ways served as a catalyst for the sailing industry, showing people that time is short, and to seize the day. The new normalcy of working remotely, and familiarity with online schooling, has led people to explore options that were hitherto unknown. During and emerging from the pandemic, boat sales soared, and the number of people hitting the water continues to grow exponentially around the world."

"One of the biggest trends we have seen in recent years," added Geisler, "is a younger demographic discovering sailing. When Nautilus Sailing first started over a decade ago, 82% of all of the certifications issued through the American Sailing Association, one of the largest sailing accreditation entities in the world, were from folks who were between the ages of 60-75."

Tahiti does indeed look nice! - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Tahiti does indeed look nice! - photo © Nautilus Sailing

"This is changing tremendously, and most of our clients now are between the ages of 35-55. If you have sailed recently internationally or done a charter in a popular cruising ground, you will definitely see this trend in person, as you will be sharing the anchorage with a much more diverse age range of sailors."

Geisler is quick to attribute much of this demographic shift to the popularity of sailing video bloggers that are wandering the oceans of the world and documenting their adventures for hundreds of thousands to follow on a weekly basis. Geisler says, "YouTube channels like Sailing La Vagabonde, SV Delos, Gone with the Wynns and Ryan and Sophie Sailing, among a plethora of others, have shown the world that sailing can be an incredible platform for adventure and discovery."

Selden 2020 - Carbon Masts - MPU   TMS 2022 - BONOMI MPU

Swimming with a ray. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Swimming with a ray - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Sailing is definitely undergoing a very positive identity shift in a more globalised world. Another massive trend in the sailing industry is the explosion in the popularity of catamarans, which has made sailing far more comfortable and appealing for many people. A decade ago, if you were to walk the docks of most charter companies in the world, monohulls reigned and catamarans were few, if present at all. The same was true of most anchorages in the Caribbean and other places.

Today, however, in most charter destinations around the world, global charter companies have fleets that are predominantly comprised of catamarans to meet this growing demand. Catamarans, with their palatial amount of space, stability, multiple cabins and heads, and added systems (generators, air conditioning, multiple fridges and water makers) have elevated sailing from 'roughing it', to something much more akin to 'glamping'.

Passage making during a course with Nautilus Sailing. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Passagemaking during a course with Nautilus Sailing - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Geisler also attests to this with the popularity of Nautilus Sailing's live-aboard catamaran sailing courses, where students are learning how to sail on a catamaran and not a monohull. "Five years ago 90% of our courses around the world were conducted on monohulls, and today 90% of all the students who learn to sail with us are interested in catamarans."

Families living and cruising aboard their boats is a final trend that is reshaping anchorages around the world. Drop the hook in many stunning cruising grounds, and you'll be sharing the anchorage with boats that have children leaping happily off them, paddleboarding vigorously to and from their buddy boats, and generally bringing contagious (yes, I think we can use that word again) child-like enthusiasm to those anchored around them.

Marskeel 2019 600x500   Aquaventures 2021 Nov - SeaAngel - MPU

Here to learn - Nav time with Nautilus Sailing. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Here to learn - Nav time with Nautilus Sailing - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Geisler commented, "We are loving seeing the number of families that are signing up for our courses to gain the knowledge, skills, experience and formal certifications they will need to set sail on their own sailing journeys. Families seem to be realising that time is short, and so why not take a 1-2 year sabbatical and sail the Caribbean?"

All of these trends are exciting and reflect a massive shift in the sailing world. Sailing is becoming more mainstream and is attracting a new demographic of adventurous travellers that are anxious to explore the world and discover new places in a truly unique way.

Anchored in the Bahamas. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Anchored in the Bahamas - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Was a time, not that long ago actually, when you might arrive at an anchorage, and ye olde crusty cruising mono would up anchor and move on, with Crusty the Sea Dog probably muttering something intelligible as the ancient oil burner coughed out smoke and sludge from the elongated tailpipe adorning the transom of the pinched stern.

Now, it is more like waves and Insta posts, with probably some early morning yoga, tips on SUP repair, and notes on how to grow herbs on board. How cool is that!

June July August MPU 2022   Noble Marine 2022 SW - MPU

SUP anyone? - photo © Nautilus Sailing
SUP anyone? - photo © Nautilus Sailing

OK. We have stories, lessons, inspirations and history to regale yourself with. Please use the search window at the top of the homepage if you are after something specific, as only the latest news appears on the website as you scroll down. We enjoy bringing you the best stories from all over the globe.

If you want to see what is happening in the other Hemisphere, go to the top of the SailWorldCruising home page and the drag-down menu on the right, select the other half of the globe and, voila, it's all there for you.

Also, we have just had a significant upgrade to our systems, and trainspotters will have seen that the button next door to 'Home' now says 'Editorial' which collects the latest from our team and also lets you see what each member has been up to of late.

Finally, stay safe, and let's see where it all goes now,
John Curnow

Idyllic - no wonder more people are looking to go cruising. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Idyllic - no wonder more people are looking to go cruising - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Sunken treasure - plane is definitely not airworthy now. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Sunken treasure - plane is definitely not airworthy now - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Ocean Safety 2021 - MPU   RYA Membership - Personal 2017

Anchored in the Bahamas. - photo © Nautilus Sailing
Anchored in the Bahamas. - photo © Nautilus Sailing

Sail GP GBR x Henri-Lloyd 2022 SW   Allspars December 2019 MPU

Sailserver, Your Sailing Adventure Data Log
Sailserver is a system that is tracking all your data provided through your NMEA200. It is smaller than a lunch box and enables you to share your data with friends and family. At the same time it is your automated logbook as well as your anchor alarm.

Premier Marinas join forces with Marine Resources to secure the best talent
Premier Marinas is partnering with Hampshire based recruitment agency, Marine Resources to attract the next generation of talent into short-term and permanent roles.

ARC Portugal: Oeiras, gateway to Lisbon
For those who decided to leave for Oeiras on Thursday, the following day began with an enchanting tour of the town supported by the Oeiras Town Council.

Crewsaver Ergofit MPU   GJW Direct - Yacht 2019 - 600x500
Barton Marine Summer 22 Newsline
In the UK, the longest day of the year is upon us, and summer has officially begun. Sailing regattas are in full swing across the Northern Hemisphere and headline events, like the famous Round the Island Race, are back for all to enjoy.

Elan Impression 43: New Family Cruiser From Elan Yachts
For more than 18 years since the launch of the first Elan Impression, the Impression line was one of the key global players in the family cruising segment.

Turkey: Update on gray water and black water disposal requirements
Boats without gray water and black water tanks are being prohibited from entering and anchoring in some popular Turkish cruising areas because authorities are enforcing regulations on the disposal of waste water and effluent.

Upffront 2020 Foredeck Club SW MPU   J Composites 2022 - J45 MPU
Freedom and Adventure: Return to Vanuatu
At last, after two and a half years of Covid restrictions, we returned to Vanuatu and our beloved Eye Candy on 30th May by way of a Business Visa. We had three days of quarantine which we did at Iririki Resort.

ARC Portugal: Last minute change to Nazaré
The winds took the ARC Portugal fleet to the magnificent city of Nazaré, instead of Peniche as scheduled.

ARC Portugal: Tours not to be missed – Tuk Tuk and a Coach
Povoa de Varzim provides an excellent starting point to visit two key cities in the north of Portugal, Porto withentre of the city each group met their guide and fleet of electric Tuk Tuks in the shadow of the Catheral Sé do Porto.

Stoneways Marine 2021 - MPU   North Sails 2021 Innovation - MPU
Tall Ships set sail for Falmouth Harbour, Cornwall, in 2023
The historic UK coastal town of Falmouth, Cornwall on Thursday 30th June announced it will host the start of the prestigious Tall Ships Race, Magellan Elcano from the 15 - 18 August 2023.

ARC Caribbean 1500 update
World Cruising Club regret to announce that we are not able to run the ARC Caribbean 1500 rally this year (2022).

SKIRR Adventures commences debut Arctic sailing expedition
SKIRR Adventures' debut expedition, a unique 4,802 nautical mile long high latitude expedition to some of the most remarkable and remote places on the planet, has departed from Gosport, UK, today (Friday 1 July 2022).

Pantaenius 2022 - SAIL MPU - ROW   Cyclops 2022 May MPU
How to Anchor Your Boat the Eco-Friendly Way
Anchoring can be a necessary and efficient way to secure your boat in certain circumstances, but it can also damage the seabed if not done properly. There are eco-friendly ways to anchor your boat that will help preserve the seabed.

Meet the first X-Yacht with electric propulsion
The car industry is already far into the transition to green, electric power. But the boat industry is finally beginning to catch up.

Latest B&G software update offers exciting new features for sailors
B&G® has released a key software update for Summer 2022 for its displays and instruments providing several upgrades for sailors utilizing the B&G Nemesis™ and Triton 2 Instruments, and B&G Zeus™ multifunction displays.

Barts Bash 2022   SWC Newsletter Sign-Up
Understanding safety onboard's Mark Jardine talks to Ocean Safety Ambassador Dee Caffari MBE and Ocean Safety MD Alistair Hackett to get a better understanding of the safety features needed onboard yachts.

Nine days and 155 nautical miles in Albania
We could see Albania from our final anchorage at Corfu in Greece and it took us just over three hours to arrive. Albania is country number 24 on the great adventures aboard Red Roo.

Cruising Association and Groupo Trabajo Orca Atlantica publish results of Orca report submissions
The Cruising Association (CA) and GTOA partnered to launch a new online orca reporting form in early June 2022 to investigate orcas interacting with vessels along the Iberian Peninsula, and the reports received are now published online.

New to cruising
Two very useful posts this month, by long-term liveaboards, that will help those planning to start long-distance cruising.

Henri-Lloyd Customer Favourites
Timeless, high performing designs, chosen and worn by you. Take a look at some of our customer favourites below and get ready to love any weather.


J Composites 2022 - J45 FOOTER

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Stoneways Marine 2021 - FOOTERCure Marine - Cure 55 - FooterNorth Sails Loft 57 Podcast